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香港藝術學院藝廊展覽 ─ 婧影 Girls On Film — Exhibition at The Gallery of Hong Kong Art School



五位先後在香港藝術學院的藝術高級文憑/ 藝術文學士課程中主修攝影的藝術工作者,在這裡透過影像,分享她們不同面向的思考及意識形態。

展期:2020年12月1日 – 2021年2月8日

時間:11am – 8pm (星期日及公眾假期休息 | 冬至、平安夜及除夕於下午六時關閉)

地點: 香港藝術學院藝廊 (香港灣仔港灣道2號香港藝術中心10樓)

參展藝術家:張影薇 | 黎靖欣 | 劉麗穎 | 盧棠棣 | 潘梓晴



Piercing from the front of the camera lens to the scene behind, female photographers project their anxiety, yearning, and personal feelings onto abstraction, presented in various visual media; giving us a glimpse of their internal world from female perspectives.

Photography is by default associated with unyielding and perhaps cold objectivity, but female photographers are often able to break through that shackle with their sensibility, bending light and shadow into optic poetry.

Through photography, five esteemed female artists from the Hong Kong Art School’s Higher Diploma in Fine Art / Bachelor of Arts (Fine Art) programmes with a major in Photography, lend passage into their multi-faceted internal world of thoughts and ideologies.

Exhibition Period: 1 December 2020 – 8 February 2021

Time: 11am – 8pm (Closed on Sundays & Public Holidays | Closed at 6pm on 21, 24 & 31 December 2020)

Venue: The Gallery of Hong Kong Art School (10/F, Hong Kong Arts Centre, 2 Harbour Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong)

Participating Artists: Maria CHEUNG | Jennifer LAI | Winnie LAU | Vanessa LO | Aki POON

Curated by: Magus YUEN


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