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群展 「emerging Japanese painters」

Satoru Kurata “Slow Dawn”, 2021, oil on canvas, 27.3 x 22 cm © Satoru Kurata / Courtesy of Tomio Koyama Gallery

SHOP Taka Ishii Gallery將於2021年3月30日(二)至5月9日(日)期間,與KAYOKOYUKI、Yutaka Kikutake Gallery及小山登美夫畫廊共同呈獻「emerging japanese painters」展覽。本群展將展示一系列具象與抽象畫作,並透過倉田悟、三瓶玲奈、西村有、高橋知裕和富田正宣的獨特視角,探索人類對日常場景和事物的感知經歷。

在猶如舞台的畫布上,倉田和高橋經常在作品中加入動物化的角色。倉田曾說:「相比起剪接部分現實景觀,[繪畫在於我]更像是建立一個新的框架,並在此基礎上安排人物和道具,以建立一個世界。」藝術家描繪了戴上面具的人類或擬人化的動物,隱喻地指向人際交往中的社交面具(persona)。倉田會在自己的意識流中尋找理想和合時的面部表情,並經常在製作過程中大幅修改角色的外觀和衣服,他紮實的繪畫技巧賦予了面具看似雕塑的形態。其中在《Slow Dawn》(2021年)呈現了像猴子的人物,讓觀眾不禁想像他/她/它到底凝視著什麼。另外,高橋的畫作以不經修飾的畫布與兒童手工藝背景的強烈對比襯托出置中的玩具。受到他所珍重的動物毛絨玩偶所啟發,藝術家繼而讓擁有生物形態的玩具登上他的畫作舞台。這些玩具被廣泛認為象徵著安慰,同理和接納。色彩鮮艷的畫作以逼真的細節放大了許多孩童時期的圖案,如《hide-and-seek》(2021年)的牆上塗鴉和《ONE’S》(2020年)的娃娃屋等,均給觀眾一種熟悉的感覺。

SHOP Taka Ishii Gallery is pleased to present “emerging japanese painters” from March 30 – May 9, 2021 in cooperation with KAYOKOYUKI, Yutaka Kikutake Gallery and Tomio Koyama Gallery. The group exhibition will feature figurative and abstract paintings that explore the human perception of the everyday scenes and objects through the unique perspectives of Satoru Kurata, Reina Mikame, Yu Nishimura, Tomohiro Takahashi and Masanori Tomita.

Constructing their canvases as a stage, Kurata and Takahashi frequently feature animalized characters in their works. “Rather than cutting out a part of the existing landscape, [painting to me] is more like setting up a new framework and arranging people and props on it to build a world,” commented Kurata. Metaphorically, the artist depicts masked humans or anthropomorphic animals pointing to the social mask (persona) people are living with. In the search for the ideal and contextual facial expressions through his own stream of consciousness, Kurata’s characters’ appearance and clothes are often heavily modified during the production process, and his solid technique gives sculptural forms to the masks created. Presenting a monkey-like figure in “Slow Dawn” (2021), viewers are encouraged to imagine what he/she/it is gazing at. While in Takahashi’s painting, the contrast between the bare canvas and the children’s craft background highlights the toys centered. Inspired by a significant stuffed animal he cherishes, the artist continues to stage toys that take living creatures forms, which are widely perceived as symbols of comfort, compassion and acceptance. His bright canvases enlarge many childhood motifs with realist details, like the wall doodles in “hide-and-seek” (2021) and the dollhouse in “ONE’S” (2020), giving viewers a sense of familiarity.

群展 「emerging Japanese painters」

SHOP Taka Ishii Gallery


Exhibition Date: 30.03 - 09.05.2021


Opening Hours: 11:00 - 19:00 (Tuesday- Sunday)

地址: 灣仔進教圍寶豐大廈4A及4B號鋪

Address: Shops 4A & 4B, UG/F, Bo Fung Mansion, No.1 St. Francis Yard, Wan Chai

(852) 3619 0011


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