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續章:香港當代藝術展 Next Act: Contemporary Art from Hong Kong





參展藝術家:莊偉、何恩懷、梁志和、陸浩明、覃小詩、黃志恆、武雨濛、楊嘉輝、Zheng Mahler


展覽日期:2020年5月8日 至 2021年3月14日

展覽場地: 亞洲協會香港中心 麥禮賢夫人藝術館 香港賽馬會復修軍火庫 香港金鐘正義道9號

開放時間 星期二至星期日: 上午11時至下午6時 每月最後一個星期四:上午11時至晚上8時 逢星期一休館




In many cultures, the age of 30 often signifies a milestone for personal growth. According to the Confucian philosophy, while education and self-development is a lifelong journey to attain personal virtue, 30 represents a gateway of maturation where a person crystallizes his or her intellectual stance for the next 30 years of their life. Nowadays, turning 30 also signifies a person’s maturity in adulthood – a personal turning point as we learn from our past, prepare ourselves in the present to move forward into a more promising future.

Coinciding with Asia Society Hong Kong Center’s 30th anniversary in 2020, we also resonate with this sentiment through reflecting our work in art and culture alongside Hong Kong’s social and historical development. As an educational organization that builds bridges between Asia and the rest of the world, we expand our focus to explore and present a sophisticated development in contemporary art that interweaves with theoretical knowledge.

Next Act: Contemporary Art from Hong Kong features research-based works by 10 local artists that respond to the shared history and collective memories of Hong Kong. Throughout the creative process, each artist focused on different research methodologies as a starting point for their inspiration and thinking process. This process culminates in a collection of exciting works that are visually impactful, interactive, and performative. We encourage visitors to open their senses and imagination when viewing the works by delving into the past to form new perspectives, savor the present, and contemplate what the future holds.

Next Act highlights the critical dimension of these creative practices by pivoting away from the conventional perception that art is a sensual form of truth. Instead, the final works make the creation of art a journey of critical thinking. The exhibition also opens up new areas of possible arts and culture programs that are immersive and educational. Whatever the future holds, we remain passionate about moving forward to provide an inclusive platform that encourages collaboration across different disciplines.

Artists: Isaac Chong Wai, Christopher K. Ho, Leung Chi Wo, Andrew Luk, Vivian Qin, Sara Wong, Cici Wu, Samson Young and Zheng Mahler

Organizer: Asia Society Hong Kong Center

Exhibition Period: 8 May 2020 - 3 January 2021

Location: Chantal Miller Gallery, Asia Society Hong Kong Center The Hong Kong Jockey Club Former Explosives Magazine 9 Justice Drive Admiralty, Hong Kong

Opening Hours: Tuesday - Sunday: 11am - 6pm Last Thursday of every month: 11am - 8pm Closed on Mondays

Free admission


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