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村上友晴 Taka Ishii Gallery藏品展 Tomoharu Murakami, an exhibition of the Taka Ishii Gallery Collection

SHOP Taka Ishii Gallery 於 2021 年 7 月 6 日(二)至 8 月 15 日(日)期間,舉辦日本畫家村上友晴的個人展覽。村上自 1960 年代起專注創作「黑繪畫」,他初期投入日本畫(Nihonga)和「無形式藝術」(Art Informel)創作,爾後發展出蘊含深 沉存在感而寧謐的作品,在日本當代藝術界自成一家。是次展覽將展出六件 Taka Ishii Gallery 的藏品。

村上受水墨畫(Suibokuga)的世界吸引,入讀東京藝術大學日本畫專業。他早年混合日本顏料和黑色墨彩創作單色畫,繪畫 新穎的圖象。他的畫作獲邀到 1964 年的古根漢國際大獎展覽展出,備受好評。正是這次紐約之行,促使村上轉而進行抽象表 現主義的創作實驗。他用調色刀在畫布上逐層逐層塗上黑色顏料,發展出具代表性的「黑繪畫」。他試圖透過繪畫的勞動,捕 捉時間流動的本質。他其後於 1979 年皈依天主教,在他漫長的繪畫過程之上,更添修道院般刻苦的修行生活。他每天於黎明 前醒來,繼而作畫十小時,在心中向神親密地禱告。村上每件作品或需時超過一年才完成,它們被視為黑暗本身,挑戰人們 對繪畫作為視覺媒介的理解。

SHOP Taka Ishii Gallery is pleased to present a solo exhibition of Tomoharu Murakami from July 6 – August 15, 2021. Devoting himself to the making of “black paintings” since the 1960s, Murakami’s oeuvre evolved from practices of Nihonga (Japanese painting) and Art Informel, and has become independent from the Japanese contemporary art world with a profound sense of existence and serenity. This exhibition will feature a selection of 6 works from the gallery’s collection.

Murakami was attracted to the world of Suibokuga (black ink painting) and entered the Japanese Painting Course at the Tokyo National University of Fine Arts. His early pursuit of monochromatic expressions featured innovative forms that mixed Japanese pigments with black oil paint; and was well received at the Guggenheim International Award Exhibition in 1964. It was after this trip to New York, Murakami shifted to Abstract Expressionist experimentations. He developed the iconic “black paintings” practice that applies layers of black paint with a palette knife on canvas and accomplishes works based on personal visions. It was an attempt to capture the essence of the flow of time through his labor in painting. Later, his conversion to Catholicism in 1979 has brought a strict routine like monastic services to this prolonged progress of painting, where Murakami rises before dawn to paint for 10 hours with a mind filled with intimate “prayers to God”. His works, each can take up more than a year to complete, are also contemplated as darkness itself, challenging our common understanding of the visual nature of painting.

村上友晴 Taka Ishii Gallery 藏品展

Tomoharu Murakami, an exhibition of the Taka Ishii Gallery Collection


Artists: Tomoharu Murakami

SHOP Taka Ishii Gallery


Exhibition Date: 6.7 - 15.8.2021

開放時間:11:00 - 19:00(敬請預約,請電郵至

Opening Hours: 11:00 - 19:00 (By appointment only:


Address: Shops 4A & 4B, UG/F, Bo Fung Mansion, No.1 St. Francis Yard, Wan Chai, Hong Kong

(852) 3619 0011


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