言本當代藝廊(a.m.space)很榮幸參與FLAME TP Video Art Fair 台北錄像藝術博覽會。2019年香港藝術地圖公司與大苑藝術於香港創辦第一屆FLAME ART FAIR,10月5日,一個香港歷史不會忘記的一刻,於黃竹坑OVO藝術酒店開幕。藝術地圖作為藝博會的創始者之一,獲得香港多方的贊助及媒體報導,成功舉辦香港第一個「錄像藝博會」,並為香港藝術市場創下歷史紀錄。
錄像藝術成為當今獨有的藝術媒材,有著強烈的時代性。大苑藝術於今年再次華麗轉身,帶來台北版精彩的「2022 FLAME TP VIDEO ART FAIR 台北錄像藝術博覽會」,聚焦於錄像、數位新媒體、攝影、設計、建築、電影等多元領域,揮別守舊傳統的藝術收藏觀念。它從人文薈萃的台北出發,串聯歐美與亞洲、畫廊與錄像藝術家,寫下錄像藝術市場的另一章!
創立於香港的a.m.space,於2021年開設台灣分部,「言本當代 am space」藝廊延續香港am space的優質理念與藝術策展,落戶於台南神農街,也是台南唯二參與國際藝博會「香港巴塞爾」的畫廊。藝術地圖作為FLAME ART FAIR的創始人之一以及重要的媒體夥伴之一,向來著重作品的內涵和時代性。a.m.space作為藝術地圖旗下的一項事業,藝術總監樊婉貞特邀策展人楊宜瑄博士,於展覽挑選出兼具創意實驗性和哲學性思考的作品,邀請來自國際,更多是香港及台灣傑出的錄像藝術家。
藝博會同時舉行錄像藝術論壇,以產業、學界等多元角度,探索錄像的過去、現在與未來。 本年度論壇主題為「錄像藝術在元宇宙(Metaverse)的融合、變革、分解」,探討XR、NFT、 Metaverse等未來媒體為主流議題的時代。
來自美國(Nick Teeple)、意大利(Laura Cavanna, Mauro Arrighi)、立陶宛(Giedrius Sruogis)、香港(許焯權、黃百亨、羅振軒、陳澤雷)、臺灣(賴惠如)等國際藝術家,以及香港恒生大學藝術設計系曾經獲獎的學生們
a.m.space 傳媒查詢:
藝術總監 樊婉貞ANTHEA FAN
傳媒聯繫: LINE: antheafan
TEL: +852 91501059
EMAIL: editorial@artmap.com.hk
IG/FB: amspace
a.m.space Announces its Participation in "2022 FLAME TP VIDEO ART FAIR”
Exhibition: August 27-28, 2022 (Preview on August 26)
Opening hours: 11:00am to 7:00pm
Address: Cozzi Hotel
Address: No. 31, Sec. 1, Zhongxiao East Road, Zhongzheng District, Taipei
Booth no.: 309
It is a pleasure for a.m.space to join FLAME TP Video Art Fair this year. Art Map Hong Kong and Formosa Art Fair Co., Ltd. founded the first FLAME ART FAIR in Hong Kong in 2019. With various sponsorships and media coverage, Art Map Hong Kong successfully held the grand opening at OVO Art Hotel in Wong Chuk Hang on October 5th in the same year, which made a mark in Hong Kong’s art market. The success of FLAME ART FAIR continues to flourish and has landed in Taipei this year.
Video Art is a unique and epochal art medium of our time. FLAME has successfully become one of the influential art festival crossover academic and art industry which features eminent artists and galleries internationally. 2022 FLAME TP VIDEO ART FAIR showcases groundbreaking spectrum of works that includes Fractal art, AR story, AI art, 3D animation, architectural images and experimental video, all aiming to transform the conventional idea of art collection.
Founded in Hong Kong, a.m. space established under Art Map launches a branch gallery in Taiwan in 2021 which continues the excellent philosophy and art strategy. It is Tainan’s only two participating galleries in Art Basel. As the founder and key partner of FLAME ART FAIR, Art Map has always placed great importance on the essence of an artwork and its representation of the era. Following the same ideals, art director of a.m.space, Anthea Fan, invited Dr. Rochelle Yang as curator who selected experimental and philosophical art pieces for the exhibition, mostly created by eminent international video artists, including those from Hong Kong and Taiwan.
The fair consists of four main events, including the art forum, workshops, gallery exhibitions and NFT platform collaborated with AkaSwap Corp. The theme of upcoming forum is "The Convergence, Transformation, and Decomposition of Video Art in the Metaverse," which explores the future development of XR, NFT, and the Metaverse as mainstream media.
List of Artists
Nick Teeple (USA), Giedrius Sruogis (Lithuania), Ivan Law, Wong Pak Hung, Max Chan (HK); innovative video works by art scholars - Professor Desmond Hui (HK), Laura Cavanna (Italy), Mauro Arrighi (Italy) and Vicky Lai (Taiwan) as well the emerging young artists from Art and Design Program, The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong.
For a.m.space media inquiries, please contact
Art Director: ANTHEA FAN
Contact: LINE: antheafan
TEL: +852 91501059
EMAIL: editorial@artmap.com.hk
IG/FB: amspace